Yesterday was amazing because of course I went to Kelly Cutrone's new book signing in the Barnes and Nobel in Tribeca. There was no dull moment as expected. She started the whole thing with of course a big F* bomb, and I loved it. I love that she doesn't hold back at all, she tells it like it is. That must have been the best hour and a half speech I've ever heard. You see how you see celebrities on television and then you meet them and their nothing like they seem on television. Well Kelly is exactly how she is portrayed on television if not even more real. She makes you feel comfortable, not inferior its like you can completely relate to everything she says. If you enjoy cut throat advice and can handle the truth whether it be sweet or not then you should read both books. I'm already half way through the second one and can not put it down. One major reason why I admire her so much is because you can be having the worst day or just have low self-confidence at the moment and you open one of her books and every quote you read makes you feel better. Its like her books are a pick me up and they give you courage to stand up to people and not just blend in.
I just hope there will be a third, fourth, fifth etc. more books to come because nothing is repetitive, it's just enlightening. And when I met her yesterday it truly made me happy that there is finally a real role model young women and men can look up too.