Source:, google
Cover Girl: Rihanna
Mar 29, 2011
Source:, google
Mar 21, 2011

I know what you're thinking, that I am obsessed with The Hills. I'm not going to lie at one point I was, that was until as you can see above Lauren and Whitney left. So, back to my night stand I'm currently reading Drop 5 lbs., Lauren Conrad Style Guide, Crossing Fifth Avenue to Bergdorf Goodman, and True Whit. Don't be scared by the Drop 5 lbs. title, I actually bought it because it is so helpful in giving you choices about what to eat that's healthy and tastes good at the same time. Honestly, it was the french fries on the cover that got my attention, seriously. The whole book is about still eating what you love in healthier ways. If you don't know how to cook and want to know how to eat healthier this book is great for that. And after trying a few healthier suggestions you realize eating healthier actually tastes better and makes you feel better.
The Lauren Conrad Style book is also a good read because its really helpful in building your wardrobe if you're on a budget. There's all sorts of tips on finding the right jean, and how getting a good tailor can expand the life of so many clothing items. There's also beauty tips and suggested wardrobe staples. It's pretty basic and to the point which I like because I feel like other style books give you way too many suggestions.
Crossing Fifth Avenue to Bergdorf Goodman is a must read for me since I'm a fashion merchandising management student and would like to one day work for this amazing store. It's all about how Ira Neimark from being a doorman at Bonwit Teller to becoming the former CEO of Bergdorf Goodman. If you're interested in how the Fashion Industry works from the inside out this is a great kinda rags to riches story. It follows Neimark through all his relationships with buyers, store managers, visual merchandisers, and CEO's of prestigious department stores.
True Whit has got to be my favorite book right now, so much so that I have started watching all the episodes of The City again this weekend. It's not a fashion book, even though she does give tips on what to wear to job interviews and such. But there's also tips on decorating your apartment, finding cheap furniture, how to deal with frenemies, what to eat at work to keep your energy up at work, how to break up with a boyfriend, and how to throw a dinner party for friends. Of course she also talks about how her journey was in becoming a fashion designer.
Crossing Fifth Avenue to Bergdorf Goodman is a must read for me since I'm a fashion merchandising management student and would like to one day work for this amazing store. It's all about how Ira Neimark from being a doorman at Bonwit Teller to becoming the former CEO of Bergdorf Goodman. If you're interested in how the Fashion Industry works from the inside out this is a great kinda rags to riches story. It follows Neimark through all his relationships with buyers, store managers, visual merchandisers, and CEO's of prestigious department stores.
True Whit has got to be my favorite book right now, so much so that I have started watching all the episodes of The City again this weekend. It's not a fashion book, even though she does give tips on what to wear to job interviews and such. But there's also tips on decorating your apartment, finding cheap furniture, how to deal with frenemies, what to eat at work to keep your energy up at work, how to break up with a boyfriend, and how to throw a dinner party for friends. Of course she also talks about how her journey was in becoming a fashion designer.

Mar 1, 2011 is one of my very good friends shopping site. She just created it not too long ago and worked so hard on it, and I think it turn out fabulous. If you have an eccentric in your face style or just simply love pops of color, you would really love the clothing and accessories on this site. If you admire Gwen Stefani and M.I.A style you're bound to find something you would like. The prices are really affordable and stuff is cute, so swing by the site and show some support and receive a free cocktail ring with any purchase.