Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Make it not just a good one but an amazing one.
I've already decided 2014 will be my year. I know we all say this on New Years but I am committed
to make this my year. My faith in god and everything is bigger and stronger now. I don't consider
myself religious, I consider myself spiritual in the sense that I believe in staying positive and letting
go.And most importantly I believe in not judging others and believing in the impossible because everything is possible if we keep positive.
I am making my own list of things I want to improve on in 2014 but this was a fun simple one I
stumbled upon on Pinterest I felt we all can kind of relate to. Every year I make list of goals for
myself and I may not accomplish everything but when I look at the year that passed I see the
difference in myself and feel better because I did accomplish certain things. And all this does is
give me more confidence that I can accomplish even more the next year. So sit down and right
your list of goals.
Definitely !
I just got engaged to my best friend, I have a great job and successful career ahead of me, a caring family, a close-knit group of amazing friends, my good health, a home to go to every day, a bright
future ahead, my very own first apartment to decorate, a wedding to plan and my faith in god will
keep growing everyday letting my know a shift is coming and 2014 will be AWESOME !
This is the beginning of forever to me and I wish all of you a very Happy New Year !!!
If any of you are looking for a book to help you keep positive I just started reading
Break Out by Joel Osteen last night and it's so good so far.
image source: my pinterest