Kiss of Peace #JewsandArabsRefusetoBeEnemies

Jul 24, 2014

I was just browsing through my usual gossip sites this morning and stumbled upon this eye 
catching image. I've been following all week the news about what is going on between Israel
and Palestine since I found out the extensive amount of civilian death toll. What is going on
is truly sad in my opinion but I'm not going to get into it so much because everyone is entitled
to have their own opinion about the situation. I just think this war should stop because it's
getting uglier and uglier each day and the people dying are the innocent ones. I really do not
know which side is right or wrong I just think they should come to peace and figure 
something out without loss of innocent lives.

I found this image really touching at because you don't have to be 
from the same religion or country to love each other. If you want to support the #JewsandArabsRefusetoBeEnemies social media campaign go to this facebook page where
you will see more images and stories about relationships between Jews and Arabs both 
platonic and about love.


  1. This is so heart warming, I'm going to tear up. I really hope they would stop fighting already :'(


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